When I was younger, Mother’s Day was only about MY Mom.
Me and my brothers would team up with Dad, who would take us to the store and turn us loose with five bucks a piece. Before we got smart enough to pool our money together and get her a decent $15 gift, we used to split up and meet back at the cash register with a damage-discount candle, fanny pack and a spatula. We knocked out a homemade card and hoped Dad pulled through with some flowers and a piece of jewelry, which he always did. We rode his coattails, signing our names to the ‘polished’ Hallmark sentiment.
But it was never about the gifts, however, we didn’t learn that until much later…
Now I’m older. I’m married. I’m a stay-at-home dad responsible for two mobile midgets. There are a lot more moms in my life than before.
Mother’s Day no longer only celebrates my mom, but EVERY mom in both my family and my wife’s. It’s a hierarchy of ladies like Mama and Mommy and the seasoned vets who have graduated into Nana, Nona, Laine-Laine, Gram or Memaw.
And for me, it hasn’t stopped there. It’s my neighbor Katie. It’s the woman crossing the street or the checker at Safeway. And oddly enough, in this age of social media and technology, it’s Twitter & Bloggy Moms. I’ve never met them personally, but I know everything about them. I follow their adventures, listen to their advice and read while they vent on a Friday night.
So to acknowledge ALL the Moms in my life (whether you know you’re in it or not), I thought it was only fair to celebrate them here today. If you’re looking for some great moms to celebrate (follow) today, join with me and send them a message. Let them know that we love and appreciate everything they do.
A –@averagesupermom – Sean, who can also be found at her blog http://www.averagesupermom.com/
B – @blogdangerously – Kit, creator of #wineparty can also be found at her blog http://www.bloggingdangerously.com/
C – @Cb4M – Amy, who has a 1-year old and is still trying to get married, can be found at her hilarious blog http://www.carriagebeforemarriage.com/
D – @DagmarBleasdale – Dagmar’s got her hands in everything & was one of the first to post a comment on DOA, creator of Dagmar*s Momsense, found here http://dagmarbleasdale.com/
E – @emom – Wendy lives in Chicago and wrote ‘Mom Blogging for Dummies’, she can be found here http://www.wendypiersall.com/
F – @5minutesformom – Susan and Janice can be found here http://www.5minutesformom.com/
G – @gothamlove – Suzanne is a family photog, wife of @Dadarocks – can also be found here http://suzannecohenphotography.com/#/home/
H – @HollyPavlika – Holly is the president of Momentum, a marketing to moms expert and can be found here http://momentum.bigfuel.com/
I – @ieatmykidzsnack – Lady of the House wipes asses and takes names.
J – @jenkulp – wife of @dadoralive – she can be seen working or writing product reviews at DOA, she’s hot and I’ve had sex with her at least twice.
K – @coolmompicks – because I don’t follow anyone that uses the letter K, it allows me to give it up to Kristen & Liz at http://www.coolmompicks.com/
L – @leighandmeg – sisters and mommy bloggers from Toronto can be found here http://www.meandmeg.com/
M – @mommasgonecity – Jessica, like me, moved away from California not too long ago, find her here http://www.mommasgonecity.com/
N – @NorthWestMommy – Stasha has a giant dog and shares her amazing adventures on Instagram and here http://www.northwestmommy.com/
O – @one_savvymom – One Savvy Mom can be found at http://www.onesavvymom.net/
P – @pbsparents – Tracey is PBS parenting and can be found here http://www.pbs.org/parents/
Q – @queenoftheclick – A middle school teacher in Brooklyn, can be found at her blog http://queenoftheclick.com/
R – @redneckmommy – Tanis twirls the pompoms in her own freak parade in Edmonton and can be found here http://www.theredneckmommy.com/about/
S – @shorelinemommy – Liz is a mommy in Connecticut and can be found sharing her stories on Twitter.
T – @TheSassyMama – Brandi and I graduated from High School together and she’s also got her hands in everything, find her here http://thesassymama.com/
U – @undomesticdiva – I love following her on Twitter and she can also be found here http://undomesticdiva.com/
V – @vodkamom – A kindergarten teacher and because I used to LOVE vodka can be found here too http://www.vodkamom.com/
W – @wifeandmommy – Michelle lives in the DC area, where I just moved, she can be found there AND here http://www.wifeandmommy.com/
X, Y & Z – Just like the letter K, I’m stymied. However, there were a few that I can’t help but mention.
* The Lexingtonienne – Hannah lives in SoCal, a Kentucky transplant that dishes up some DELICIOUS recipes with the help of her daughter Eleanora.
* @circleofmoms – A community of moms and mom bloggers found here http://www.circleofmoms.com/
From my family…
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hallmark, if you’re reading this, I made the card above and am looking for a job.
Wow! Thanks so much for the mention. Guess I need to get off my lazy ass and get my blogging groove back. Such a great sentiment and I know what you mean. Now that I’m a mom, I definitely recognize and celebrate ALL moms now. And dads. Parenting is a crazy gig – might as well ban together and support each other through this wild ride.
P.S. You have a lovely family. 🙂
Thanks so much for including me among your MILFs. There’s a joke there, but probably not one I’m allowed to say. 🙂
Very creative post! We are in the debate right now to have dad stay at home and me work. We will see how it works, although I don’t know that he wants to take over my blog! 🙂
Thanks for making me your “D”! So sweet of you to mentioning me. I appreciate it! 🙂
I’m a big fan of http://www.amalah.com but I like your list. A couple of blogs I hadn’t heard about before that I need to check out. Nice blog post, very creative.
Thank you for the mention! I’m flattered you chose me, even though I haven’t written for 3+ months. I’ve been trying to get back into it, and hope to by June!
If I had my own card company I would hire you. That card is awesome! 🙂 Awesome post!