Porn For Moms. by Adrian 7 Comments I may not have the courage or physique to do the shirtless fireman calendar pose or stand under a waterfall in my Levi’s flexing my abs… But I have a pretty good idea of how to make up for it. HAPPY FRIDAY MOMS! Share this:PinterestFacebookTwitterEmailPrint Sharing is caring! 6 shares Share Tweet Pin Email Print
MrsFun says November 2, 2012 at 8:53 am All your missing is the duster in your back pocket 😉 This is great, love it.
Jaime-Ann says November 2, 2012 at 10:39 pm oooh – can you do that real slow but add in dinner to the left of you? Thanks! LOL
Gary says November 5, 2012 at 10:18 am This is straight up awesome! Nothing fuels passion for the weekend like some house cleaning. 🙂
Jason says December 29, 2012 at 10:24 am do you want the physic of a fireman and still have time to do your house work? do you want the physic of a fireman and get your good lady to forget about you doing the house work altogether? if you do mate let me know, you are my specialty as you are me J
This is great!!!
All your missing is the duster in your back pocket 😉 This is great, love it.
lusting for a man that vacuums…. so sexy.
oooh – can you do that real slow but add in dinner to the left of you? Thanks! LOL
This is straight up awesome! Nothing fuels passion for the weekend like some house cleaning. 🙂
do you want the physic of a fireman and still have time to do your house work?
do you want the physic of a fireman and get your good lady to forget about you doing the house work altogether?
if you do mate let me know, you are my specialty as you are me