I’ve been there and done that. I’ve packed a lot into the last thirty-six years. Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad.
Above it all, one thing will always put a smile on my face. Being a father.
Consider this an open letter to my two wonderful children, Ava & Charlie…
I watched you as you struggled to take your first breath on this Earth. I held you in my arms and beamed with joy.
I rocked and bounced you for hours on end, watching you fall asleep in the comfort of my arms.
I remember changing your diaper for the first time, holding your hand and wiping away the tears during your first shot.
I sat next to you and watched you sleep.
I snuggled with you whenever I had the chance.
I watched with baited breath as you tried to roll over for the first time.
I was selfishly relieved when you starting holding your own bottle and saw the curiosity in your eyes as you tried different foods.
I had a tough time listening to you cry yourself to sleep.
I melted when you said ‘Dada’ for the first time and was amazed as you started to put words together to tell me what you wanted.
I saw you pull yourself up and bought you little sneakers after you took your first step. I gave you ice for your bumps and bruises and put a band-aid on your first cut.
As you found your personality, I was so excited to watch you make choices and decisions on your own. The toys you called your ‘favorites’ and the clothes you decided to wear.
It hurt me to watch you suffer through your first cold and fever.
I smiled, laughed and told everyone when your first tooth came in.
I was worried the first time we left you with a babysitter.
I watched the excitement in your eyes while eating your first Thanksgiving feast and opening presents on Christmas morning.
And one day, all of the sudden, you were growing up before my very eyes.
I taught you how to look after one another…
And read you books before bed…
I love spending my days with you…
You’re the center of my universe, my best friends and I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Tears to my eyes! Happy Father’s Day to you!
Beautiful! Happy Fathers Day 🙂
Very nice. Enjoy your day tomorrow. xo.
What beautiful photos!
Just found your blog after you started following me on Instagrame.
This is a lovely post!