Ava now has 14 of her 20 baby teeth in.
It seems like these last few have been really tough for her. I think the pain of the incisors and K-9’s coming through are driving her bananas.
I found this cutie under the sofa during naptime. At first, I thought the dog did it, gave him a ‘WTF is this?’ and he looked back at me like ‘hey brother, for once, this was not me’.
When Ava woke up, I interviewed her on the status of this sucker. She told me it was ‘broken’ and wanted a new one. I went to the ‘bag of suckers’, pulled one out and tossed it to her from a safe distance…I wasn’t looking to lose any fingers.
It was shrapnel within thirty seconds.
I chummed the water (kitchen floor) with an assortment of suckers to keep her at bay while I tried to figure out my next move. I stood defenseless in the corner of the kitchen, thinking maybe today was my day to leave this world, or at the very least, if I survived….I’d be forced to face this expensive phase in my daughter’s life.
What happens if I can’t keep pace? If I can’t afford the suckers? Do I need to turn her loose on some Elm trees?
Maybe I could train her to gnaw a few totem poles in the backyard?
And if I ran out of foliage? Toyota Tercels?
I’m not sure where to turn. Should I just put her in the crib and throw aluminum cans at her until my wife gets home?
EDITOR’S NOTE: I found out later from my wife that I was giving her pacifiers rated for infants without teeth. Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
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