There’s nothing harder than picking up the life you’ve grown accustomed to and moving on. There’s also nothing more exciting. I was forced to do this almost twenty years ago as a college student after losing everything I owned in an apartment fire.
And I’ve done it again as a husband and father with three kids in tow.
About six years ago, my wife and I packed up two young kids (including one 8-week-old newborn) and the family dog and journeyed back east in a small SUV from California to Maryland so she could start a new job.
Just this past month, as many of you are already aware, Jen and I once again packed up everything we own, our kids (now we’re up to 3!), the same family dog and the fish and frog and traveled south to the inlets and bay lined neighborhoods of coastal Virginia.
It’s truly a wonderful area and that part makes it a little more comforting. The salty smell of the bay, fresh crabs and the beach.
It probably sounds pretty sweet, however there’s a lot that goes into a move of this size. Not only do you have to worry about the pain-staking task of watching 730 items get loaded onto a truck…
…but you’ve also got the logistics of switching utilities, making sure everyone has their special stuffed animals and blankies and where you’ll all sleep until everything makes its way into your new home.
It’s a massive amount of stress on parents, but also on the kids.
I’ve learned how to cope with having to leave certain friends behind, knowing that I might never see them again unless they show up in my Facebook news feed – but my kids aren’t online yet and for them, it’s heartbreaking to watch them say good-bye to someone they’ve created memories with, no matter how inconsequential it might be in the grand scheme of things.
We’ve already noticed a slight change in some of their attitudes or behavior and I’m positive it’s a direct result of the transition, it’s their only way of coping.
We’re doing our best to acclimate them to their new neighborhood. We’ve taken them to nearby Virginia Beach with their cousins and had both of our parents visit to help everything seem more familiar.
We’ve already made new friends in the neighborhood and these families have gone out of their way to include us in local events, add me to the mom’s coffee group and meet up at the community pool so the kids will get to play with others their own age.
We’ve driven them by their new school’s and explored some local restaurants and already found their favorite doughnut shop where they can watch the Chef Kirk make the ‘squealer’, covered in maple glaze dipped in bacon pieces.
All that’s left is to finish decorating their rooms and give them their own special little space to feel at home.
I know that only time will help with the transition and #HowWeFamily is the best cure at the moment, but I’m curious how other families might handle a similar life event.
Have you ever had to pick up and move with young children? What advice might you have to offer on making it easier on them?
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Tylenol and their #HowWeFamily campaign. To learn more about them, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
JessicaMcDillGuthrie says
It sounds like you guys are doing everything you can to make it easier on the kids! Having done this myself, I would suggest skype dates with old friends. Sometimes it feels like they’ll never see old friends again, but knowing that they can say hi if they want to makes it easier. As time passes these dates get fewer and fewer, but certainly helped them through the transition. Good luck!
LaineLaine says
I think for the most part it was a pretty smooth move. I think you and Jen covered all the bases…except for maybe anticipating how much cleaning would be left after you vacated the house! It’s a beautiful, peaceful area where you live now and I think the kids will grow to love it. It’s never easy or comfortable to make new friends regardless of your age but ya’ll are great at maintaining and nurturing your friendships so you should expect a lot of visitors. Get that tv mounted in the guest room because we will be back net month! Love you!
KrausHouseMom says
We are going to be doing this in the next couple of months. I’m mostly concerned with my oldest daughter, who is on the spectrum, and how special ed classrooms will be for her in a new school system. We’re moving to a different state, but only about 30 minutes from where we lived. One of the perks of Southern New England.