With the recent birth of our third child, I’ve felt confident that Ava (4½) and Charlie (2½) were in a pretty good place for the most part, able to listen and follow most directions and on occasion even lend a hand with the baby. Ava has been a great big sister so far, helping to bathe Mason, tell him stories and generally occupy his time. Of course she still has her own individual issues like eating lip gloss and stealing things from her classmates at preschool, but who doesn’t?
On the other hand, we have Charlie, who I’ve recently nicknamed, Biff.
Perhaps I’ve been a little too over-confident as of late, attempting to potty-train him while also reacquainting myself with the rigors of having a newborn.
As I cleared the lunch plates the other day and excused the kids, I heard Biff yelling ‘POTTY!’ from the other room. “Go ahead, buddy, you can use the potty, what a big boy!”
And then he came around the corner with a toilet seat stuck around his head. Like, LEGITIMATELY stuck around his head. To the point where I was considering my lubricant options…Pam? Butter? Vaseline?
Are you fucking serious? In what world would he think this was some sort of necklace?Maybe I have a future Copperfield or Houdini on my hands. Maybe he’ll become a master of illusion or king of the cuffs? Or maybe he’ll be neither of those. Maybe the only thing he’ll ever try to escape from, is me showing this picture to his prom date in 15 years. Only time can tell…
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Adrian Kulp is a blogger, author, TV producer and full-time stay-at-home dad. His first book for Penguin Publishing, a comedic parenting memoir, debuted in May of 2013. He currently writes Dad or Alive, as well as for The Huffington Post. He’s a member of Target’s Inner Circle and a contributor to Kids in the House. He most recently produced ‘Modern Dads’ for A&E and moderated a panel on fatherhood at Dad Summit 2.0 in New Orleans in January of 2014.
If you think Joyce`s story is great,, three weeks-ago my moms best friend basically also got a cheque for $8552 sitting there sixteen hours a week from home and their classmate’s step-mother`s neighbour done this for 6 months and got paid over $8552 in their spare time at their labtop. applie the guidelines from this address,
………… If you think Ernest`s story is exceptional, five weeks ago my sister in law got a check for $8481 grafting sixteen hours a week from their apartment and they’re friend’s step-sister has done this for nine months and got more than $8481 part time from their mac………………….
see this link below…………………… http://www.atanycost.tk