My daughter has recently released the newest interactive version in her speaking game collection entitled, ‘Whass Dat?’ The rules are simple. Walk around all day pointing and touching different things wherever we go, look up at me and hit me with the question like machine gun fire.
At first I thought it might be a quirky catchphrase that would grab her a TV series lead, like Urkel with ‘Did I Dooo That?’, or Fonzie with his classic lean-back ‘Eeeeeey’.
The only star in this TV series is my migraine headache with crows feet and gray hair rounding out the supporting cast.
Generally the questions start out simple, kind of like playing the ‘Bet You Know It’ Edition of Trivial Pursuit.
AVA: Whass’ Dat? (pointing at the light in the living room)
ME: That’s a lamp, honey.
Then it moves onto the moderately difficult ‘Junior Edition’, with a question like:
AVA: Whass’ Dat? (pointing at a man on the sidewalk riding a segway)
ME: That’s just a two-wheeled self balancing personal transport, darling.
And finally it jumps into the Master Edition, with a question that is virtually unanswerable.
AVA: Whass’ Dat? (pointing at my junk as I step out of the shower)
EDITOR’S NOTE: I drew the question mark on the fridge for this one with crayon without consulting my wife first, now I can’t get it off. Taking suggestions on industrial cleaning solutions before she gets home from work.
Mr. Clean Eraser will get that off!
Age, you should have gone with the stainless steel refrigerator then you would have been forced to used other means to put the question mark up.
Tea Tree oil… takes two seconds and it should come right off =) This also works well on magic marker and other terrible stains.
I think wipes or goo gone should get that off..good luck!
Dude awesome post
If you have a paper bag put that on top of crayon mark and then put a warm iron on top of the bag careful not to touch the bare fridge with the iron, this should melt the waxy stuff in the crayon and adhere it to the bag. this works for candle wax on carpet too.
Love this site, btw!
Very cute and WD40.
Magic Eraser dude. It gets everything off.
Love that last question! HA HA HA!
And your blog name. 🙂
Personally, I’d just tell the wife that Ava did it.
Love the post. My 3 year old son dose the exact same thing. He can speak decent enough english but 90% of the time the only words to come out of his mouth are What’s that?